Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to add JNDI data source in Pentaho BI 5.0.1

Until Pentaho BI version 4.8 CE there was an option to add JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) as a data source. But, in the newer version of Pentaho BI 5.0.1 CE version it was taken out. So, the simple-jndi will not work anymore on new version of Pentaho BI 5.0.1 CE.

Still we can use JNDI connection to the database. For this you need to create the data source in Tomcat server itself which will be active through out life cycle of Pentaho BI.

The Steps to perform this is given below:

(Please note that the example given below is used to configure JNDI for MySQL database)

1. First, Stop the tomcat server (Pentaho BI Server) running
2. Edit the file tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/web.xml
3. Insert the code snippet given below just after this line

<!-- insert additional resource-refs -->


4. Save the file and exit.
5. Now, edit another file in tomcat/conf/context.xml 
6. Anywhere inside of the  element, add the XML snippet shown below:
    <Resource name="jdbc/myDataSource"
    auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"

7. Save the file and exit.
8. Start the Pentaho BI Server and the new JNDI connection should be available

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pentaho CDE Charts - How to Suffix different sign (% or $) on Y-Axis label

In Pentaho CDE CCC2 charts - If you want to suffix a Percent sign (%) or a Dollar sign ($) on the Y-Axis label of the Charts, do the following:

  1. Select the Chart Component
  2. Click on the Advanced Properties
  3. Scroll down till you find orthoAxisTickFormatter option. Click to edit it
  4. Paste the following code:
    function percent_suffix_yaxis(per) { return sprintf('%d %', per); }
    // Note: To change to a dollar ($) sign change % to $ after %d.
  5. Save the Dashboard and Preview it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Suggesting a better Definition for Big Data


After much research on Big Data I came up with one thought in defining the actual Big Data implementation terminology. What I would suggest is - instead of using the term Big Data for the data ranging anywhere from Giga Bytes to Zetta Bytes, why don't we split the terms based on the size of the data we are dealing with?

For example - If I say that I am providing the Big Data Service or I am working on Big Data the next question I get from others is what is the size that you are actually talking about. Is it in GB / TB / PB / EB / ZB? Here, instead of answering this question why don't we use the terms as follows:

1. Big Data - Data ranges from Giga Byte to Peta Bytes
2. Huge Data - Data ranges from Peta Bytes to Exa Bytes
3. Ultra Data - Data that is greater than Zetta bytes.

Any opinions on this are welcome.
